
Global Mission Partners


John Lamerton

Executive Officer


Australian Churches of Christ Global Mission Partners (GMP) is a Christian mission organisation committed to facilitating life-changing partnerships.

GMP understands that mission must work with what God is doing and in partnership with local people. This means we focus on partnerships with churches and agencies overseas, linking them with partners in Australia. We do most of our work overseas through local indigenous Church of Christ organisations. They know the culture and the opportunities better than us and have long-term relationships across their country. We come alongside them to learn from them and contribute the gifts that we have. In countries where there is no local partner with the ability to manage projects, GMP operates as an entity in its own right, working with local people toward the day when the ministry is truly theirs.

GMP operates in three areas:

(i) Indigenous Ministries Australia (IMA), which encourages new directions with Indigenous Christian Ministries by concentrating on priority areas such as strengthening Indigenous churches and culture;

(ii) Community Development through Churches of Christ Overseas Aid (COCOA), which conducts relief and development projects across the world with local partners. COCOA has tax deductibility under the Overseas Aid Gift Deduction Scheme (OAGDS);

(iii) International Church Partnerships (ICP), which conducts evangelism, church planting and ministry training projects across the world with local partners.

More From 'Ministries'

Children, Youth & Families Ministry

Children, Youth and Family Ministry' supports Churches of Christ youth and children's leaders in their contexts, produces resources to help local ministries flourish and runs state-wide events and programs. We provide opportunities for our youth and children workers to pray together, learn from one another and be supported by their peers. Whether it is one-on-one or at one of our camps, like ‘State Youth Games’, we look forward to working alongside you.



ChildSafe™ is a widely used program that assists churches to take responsibility for ensuring they are communities in which children are safe, and in which they can flourish. It refers to a specific program of safety management for those working with children and young people.

Child Safe is the term used to refer more broadly to a commitment to the safety and risk management. More information about our Childsafe policies and procedures can be found in 'About Us - Childsafe'

Send us an email if you would like any further information.


Tabor Churches of Christ Study Centre

The Tabor Churches of Christ Study Centre is a joint undertaking by both Tabor and Churches of Christ in SA & NT, and has three main objectives:

(i) to teach denominational and ministry-focussed subjects (e.g., Churches of Christ History and Polity) as part of Tabor's undergraduate and postgraduate courses,

(ii) to research in areas which are of mutual interest to Churches of Christ and Tabor College of Higher Education, and

(iii) to identify and provide pastoral care, advice and direction to students from Churches of Christ who are studying at Tabor and who may be considering ordination or a ministry vocation with the denomination.
